Sunday 13 October 2013

Young Montalbano episode 5 The Third Secret

And now to my favourite Police detective of all time Salvo Montalbano, the Young Man edition starting with eh episode last Saturday number 5 I believe. Entitled the Third Secret and commences with a famous Puccini Aria which sadly I cannot remember what is it called or what it is from although I know so well, Desperately I die!!!!.

Salvo is having a dream in which he goes with Catarella as his driver on a mission and cater Ella is shot, saying it is a performance with the Opera coming to is climax, but he dies and Salvo wakes up in bed with Livia. He tells Mini of his experience who discounts as does Livia and at one point he tells Catarella who is chuffed that his boss is thinking about him.

There are as usually two stores with the fist someone is shooting up the bans placed outside the Town hall requiring the notices to be removed and without gaining permission to replace them it would have been necessary for the couples to repeat the process. The conclusion is that someone is trying to warn off one of the applicants and staff are assigned to investigate the first three and this includes he young Fazio now taking the position previously held by his father. When the the second group of three are checked attention focuses on one a former immigrants about to marry what proves to be of her client when she was controlled by a pimp who appears to have located her and sent the threats.

A special delivery letter has arrived for Salvo which he does not immediately open and when it does it concerns a worker on a building site who is to die unless there is intervention. The man is already dead an accident but he letter had arrived two days late despite the special delivery positing which is checked and found that it was presented by a young man/boy. The incident had also occurred is another district and is being investigated by the Carabinieri.

When visiting his public broadcasting news media man he is shown a tape of a construction company which appears to being bankrolled by the mafia and where the local politicians is presenting the allegation as wrong an a misunderstandings. This firm is now taking over other firms or as it emerges causing deaths of immigrant workers to get them into trouble with the authorities and adding pressure for a buy in.

Because the case is being instigated he tries to satisfy his curiosity by going to the site at night having unknowingly encountered the head of the local service when angered by a public phone which did not work when he would to explain to Livia why he was not able to go on a promised visit.

He is then visited by the head who had observed him at a distance and who had also received a similar letter but he is against reporting Salvo for his behaviour and later asks for the detectives help because of his limited staffing. Salvo discovers from a meeting with the elder Fazio that the man has a brain tumour with limited time left and would like to solve one big case before his career ends.

Salvo visit the firm behind the building site when the worker died and while the owner is defensive the daughter makes contact and reveals that the father was asked to become involved with the Mafia front company but refused and after that the threats. Investigations about the worker reveals he was reference by the local police and Salvo works out that the man was a policeman working undercover. He devises a scheme with the Marshal of the Carabinieri to raid the site, arrests the watchman and gain the evidence required.

This works well through one man appears to escape although his car remains and the Inspector with Salvo driving because he cannot get a squad car because the fuel allowance has run out, follows the car and the man in a replica of the dream. In this instance the Inspector shoots the villain before he can harm Catarella, However to ensue the credit goes to the Marshal they keep their involvement secret and this is the Third Secret of the episode which he asks Catarella to keep thus increasing the man’s sense of pride and importance at being treated in this way.

When it looks as if they prevented further interference in the attempt to stop the wedding of the first storyline Salvo realise that the pimp who has disappeared could make a last attempt on wedding day and arrives just in time to stop the man disfiguring the face of the bride with acid arresting him and ensuring that the young woman is able to go, albeit late which is anyway the custom in Italy. Meanwhile the relationship with Livia had floundered when he fails to accompany her on the visit and she goes alone and then she is caught by chance helping out Mimi with the interior decorating of his new home which he is buying on a mortgage and has requested time off to sort out. The episode ends with Montalbano and Livia making up on beachside of the famous house overlooking the bay.

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